The new shape of the bed is done. It took me an awful long time to make it work with the number of rocks I had. That it's 111 degrees heat index today with 100% humidity didn't help either. I am soaking wet and need a long break now. These rocks are so heavy and I've sworn myself it was the last time I moved them. I wish I had some more, the bed isn't as large as I wanted it, but those rocks are expensive with all the beds that I am doing, so I will from now on only use a wooden border. They are also a lot easier to lay out and to carry. Everything is weed sprayed and now I only have to wait until the grass is killed.

This is the Pindo Palm, that I want to plant in the middle, slightly elevated. It's still a small one, but it grew pretty strong this year, last year it only was a seedling.

I also will plant Yucca filamentosa, which btw had this gorgeous bloom in spring. The dried stalk is still on the plant.

Beside that, a couple of Hesperaloe parviflora, Red Yucca (see pic below)

Flower of red Yucca
and a small Yucca elephantipes. I have a couple more succulents in the yard, which I also will plant in this bed. If I only could start right now. I hate all the preparation and waiting time, until I finally can do what I love most, planting.
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