The corner bed is my next project. I worked already today on it and removed part of the Cannas and Elephant ears growing in there. I also removed half of the rocks you see in the front. Need them for my second succulent bed. I made the border much larger than it was before and will plant something that differs in size. Tall in the corner and shorter as I get to the front of the border. Not sure yet, what it will be. Before I can start thinking about it, I still have a lot of work ahead of me.
It just didn't look nice with the Elephant ears in the back and the Cannas in the front, because they had the same size and there was visually no interest.
This bed also need to get filled up with topsoil, it is a bit sunken, because I mixed a lot of yard waste into the soil last year and it decomposted so much, that it sunk almost 5 inch in height.
That's my job tomorrow.

It was a good day and I am planning on buying more rocks at the weekend to get an other huge bed beside the succulent bed next week going. I thought it's better to stay with rocks instead of wood borders to give the garden a more uniform look.