I almost finished my new succulent bed today. still need some more little plants to fill it up, but so far I am already very satisfied with the overall look

I have only 4 opuntias planted and a couple yuccas. Want to get some winterhardy agave too.
Also got 100 more rocks today and made the border for 2 new beds

Sprayed everything with Round-up and need to wait a week until the grass is dead. There is still so much grass that I want to get rid of. Who needs grass? Not me!!!! It's a waste of space.
Here is the neglected corner bed that I still need to finish

Had last week some major stuff in the front yard going on. My neighbor said, I make myself more work every day, but in reality, it will be less, once everything is done, because my weekly mowing duty will be minimized to a few minutes only. Moved hundreds of flagstones in the front yard (sorry, no picture right now) and enlarged the existing beds to almost the double size. (Killed appr. 40-50 Black widows when moving the rocks - an entire can of spider spray gone, ughhh)