This is a
Yucca filamentosa which I planted from seed a few years ago. She grew very quickly, once sprouted and this year I separated her and got 5 more plants out of it, simply by dividing the root ball. I am waitin anxiously for them to set blooms this year, hopefully.

I also found a lot of rain lilies, here and there, even growing on the grass. But once the beds were manicured, they popped up everywhere. I got them all out and transplanted them into one bed, so they can bloom all together.

In my front bed I planted some tropical rose dwarf Cannas, which also mulitplied quickly. One day, when i moved the rocks and stones around, I almost got bitten by a black widow, that was sitting under a flagstone with a few huge eggs hanging on her belly. Ughhh! It scared me to death and i run into the house, got my spider spray, and sprayed her heavily until she didn't move any more.

Isn't this a nasty beast? She was huge! It took me a while to get over this shock, but in the summer they are everywhere here. Basically under each rock, so I always need to be careful and wear gloves while working in the yard.

I also had a voluntary Japanese Morning Glory popping up on my front porch which grew all the way up on the posts. This year I have hundreds of seedlings there, which I need to pull out all the time so they won't over take the bed.
I'll post more pictures tomorrow, but didn't want to miss to insert some videos about the plants secret life from Dawid Hawkins. They impressed me very much. Although very long, they are every minute worth to watch. It gave me an entire new impression about plants and I am now sure, when you talk to your plants nicely, they will recognize it and grow prettier.
I will put the videos, 6 all together into a different post for better finding later.
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