I completed my succulent bed today. Of course I couldn't wait until the grass was dead and just put everything on top of it, starting on Friday already. I had to buy several bags of soil, sand, soil conditioner and pea gravel, which were multiple trips to Home Depot, because my car (Mustang convertible) only fits 3 bags at a time. My back suffered the most carrying all these heavy bags, especially the pea gravel, from the garage to the bed. Then yesterday it wouldn't stop raining and everything got pretty messy, but God thanks it stopped early in the morning today and I could go on planting.

this little pot in the middle is an Aloe vera, which I found yesterday when I was grocery shopping at Aldi for $3.95. It can't stay outside during winter, so I left it in the pot, also the 2 Pineapple plants are in a pot.

I still want to plant some Hens & chicks to add more color and maybe buy 2 more bags of pea gravel for cleaner look. I had 2 bags, but they just disappeared in this bed like nothing. Actually I started liking the idea of having more succulents. And have already an other bed in mind, where I want to create a rock garden with Agave and Cacti. But that is still far away, because the next duty will be to remove all the Cannas and elephant ears from the corner bed, weed it, fill it up with soil and plant something more attractive there.
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